
that's it again. my body shuts down. no energy to twitch uncontrollably.pure euphoria.

  • 1
    Do you have the same job as me that you can spend so much time on that stuff? If so, that's amazing!
  • 3
    @retoor any work from home job where you can bring your lappy to bed with you will work
  • 3
    just realized that this is how I'm gonna die, probably. not today ofc, but later in the exact same way. just another fasting session, but with my body not having enough fat to survive. first I'm gonna feel cold, just what I feel rn|

    then the twitching will stop just like now

    then the anxiety will stop

    then I'll happily drift into sleep, just like now, but I won't wake up anymore
  • 2
    my god, it's so comfortable

    I feel embraced, as if someone who loves me is holding me, but i'm a little child
  • 0
    I'm gonna cry tears of joy
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