
Please, tell me: Is vim worth learning? Is it more productive than VS Code?

  • 3
    Vim is like any other tool some love it and some don't. You may give it a try and see for yourself. I believe any text editor is as productive as you make it. Although, Vim has a rather steep learning curve compared to other editors so keep that in mind.
  • 2
    More productive? Maybe
    More glorious? Sure as hell
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    Depends, for me I never was able to get my self to use Submlime for more than being a replacement for notepad on Linux

    Never thought I'd be able to use a text editor with extensions as a replacement for an IDE, but then comes VS Code, replaced my usage for VS, Jetbrains Webstorm when working with: Dotnet Core & React/Vue
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    Thanks for your comments.
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    The level of productivity depends on how much you know it. If you master it, it can be productive, otherwise it could be the worst.
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    I hope you are ready to spend a lot of time learning it
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    Don't forget to tell everyone about how much you love Linux and Gimp and Windows has 32 viruses all the time and reboots hourly and wears out your laptop hardwares. @DLMousey
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