So I have heard that some neuroscientists think brain function might be operating on a quantum level. I also know we are inching closer to quantum computing.

Does this mean as these two sciences converge we may develop consciousness transfer when they do?

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    *keeps meaning to take drugs to experiment with consciousness*

    who needs computer when you can ESP
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    @jestdotty there are experiments with ESP without drugs. The Gateway Experience was designed by the CIA to do this without LSD. You can torrent it.

    Also, I talked to people who say there is a gateway spirit trapping us on this world they have seen with LSD. They said it looks like the Mayan depictions of the same. Apparently the Mayans knew how to party.
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    @Demolishun ye I been doing the gateway experience meditation videos for a while. got distracted and stopped after a week tho
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    @jestdotty yeah, I tried it a bit and didn't really get into it. I think my ability to self trance is lacking. I probably need more practice.
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    @jestdotty did it make a popping noise? My friend said he popped out and he got far out and then freaked and sucked back in. I had heard it makes a noise.
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