thinking of going to linux
what lightweight distros are there

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    the only limit i have right now is ~20gb of hdd and 4GB of ram

    but mainly not bloated
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    If you're just starting and you need a lightweight dekstop, I recommend to you Xubuntu. Although, a distro is as lightweight as the software installed on it. I'm talking mainly about the user interface or the desktop environment. Some desktop environments are light (such as xfce) and some are heavy.
  • 2
    Go for arch maybe or Mnjaro !? Or maybe OpenSUSE idk, all those distros are lightweight if you don't have to run it with a DE or maybe with XFCE@Louma
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    Like KDE i hate that DE @rantsauce
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    Ooh I remember that Kubuntu was ~4 gigs so beware
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    Maybe GNOME haha with only 4 gigs of ram
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    I like bunsenlabs or if you want an arch based os, I would recommend archlabs
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