fuuuuckk why do you people expect me to lie ?

wait that translates too clearly.

*waves a red flag, then turns around in a circle, touches his nose, sticks out his tongue, stomps his right foot and says * I not like lie to get better places.

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    @jestdotty mmmmph mmmmph take a guess as to whether you can talk damn you!
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    Darwin has some explanations.. mostly about how those who lie better have a higher likelihood of having offspring.
    Then, the odds are that this offspring will learn those behaviors from their parents.

    The moth that doesn't like to lie pretending to be a leaf gets eaten by a bird. The bird that does not like to lie dancing to pretend to be healthier than it actually is, doesn't get to mate.
    It's the Circle of Lies!
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    @jestdotty that worsens the likelihood of offspring from the person that was lied to, not the liar.
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