
To all of you who push their OS preferences like door-to-door religious zealots: I wish you stuck on your least-liked platform for the rest of your days.

I'll also throw in a side of providing tech support to the incompetent.

Fuck your lot.

  • 4
    I wish that too + on a machine with shitty hardware.
    Can't work a single day without getting bashed by Linux users.
  • 2
    @mohammed I couldn't actually do my job without using Windows, Linux, and FreeBSD. Being flexible makes me more valuable to my employer. :)
  • 2
    @xorith Exactly!
    I can work on any os without any issues, but those narrow minded os fans will have serious ego issues!
  • 2
    @mohammed well some people's work require Linux distributions only. Some of the things are not supported or not well supported on windows like celery. So we love our OS. we don't hate windows but we don't want to work on one. My work can't be done on windows so can't use it no matter what
  • 2
    @py2js My rant and I don't think @mohammed's comment are directed at someone who uses Linux because they prefer it and it makes their job easier.

    *I* prefer Linux. I prefer the command-line. I have to use Windows for work and I choose to use Windows for gaming in my spare time. Yet I'll never knock someone who doesn't use the command line nor Linux.

    I *do* critique people who need to use the command line to do their job and fight that instead of learning it.
  • 1
    @py2js I have nothing against Linux users/lovers.
    I have issues with Linux users at my workplace who try to force me to use Linux, or bashing and making fun of me because I'm using Windows. Also I'm allergic to OS fans who thinks they are superior to other OS users.

    My point is if you love something that's your thing, don't force it on others.
  • 1
    @mohammed being an OS fan and bashing others are two different things. I love Linux distributions and big fan of them but I don't bash others for using windows. I know that many of the people prefer windows because it's easy to use and many softwares are only available for windows. From a user side windows is not bad. Take win7 for an instance, I think it was a really great OS. Can't say anything about win 10 not much experience with it, win8 was a bad one, I too criticized that before I got to linux
  • 0
    @py2js I think "easy to use" is subject to various things. :P

    For example, getting C/C++ to use a decent tool chain on Windows can be anything but easy.
  • 2
    Yeah, thats the most annoying thing about this platform. Why do people need to defend their os choice like their life depends on it..
  • 1
    Sometimes I tease my brother about windows inferiority.

    Am I on that list? (◕_◕)
  • 1
    @IrreleventIdiot Friendly teasing is fine. :p
  • 2
    I'm a dot net developer and I approve this message.
  • 0
    Exactly what I've been saying for years. 16-bit real mode is all we need. All this "paging" and "segmentation" is for crappy devs who don't know how to use pointer properly. Operating system just gets in the way.
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