
Today I managed to cut myself under my fingernail by grabbing the door handle to my room the wrong way. The world is a dangerous place.

  • 7
    That's what you get for going AFK. What were you thinking.
  • 5
    Those are the absolute worst. You feel it for days.
  • 8
    It messes with my head how we can sometimes survive multiple center mass gunshot wounds and then you could also slip in the shower, bump your head and that's game over
  • 1
    Yeah, i hate doors too, and door handles. They are not designed for people like us. I also hate shoelaces, touch screens, some plastic bags that are too hard to open, protruding walls, any irregularly shaped furniture...hell, I actually hate most stuff that requires any motoric skills and coordination. Why does the physical world need to be so bloody cumberlicated?! Fuck AFK! No wait, I actually prefer IRL after all, because that's the only place where you can get a decent meal.
  • 3

    That's simple maths. The gunshots took 99 HP. Bumping one's head in the shower took the remaining 1 HP.
  • 1
    I'd just like to stop and imagine the engineer who designed that doorknob.

    Probably the doorknob-manufacturers son-in-law with a months worth of autocad experience.

    Or a psychopathic employee who enjoys malicious compliance as a mere hobby.

    Like those people who design spikes for flat surfaces, or uncomfortable park benches that are impossible to sit or lay on for more than five minutes.
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