
Had to retake one basic CS lecture due to timing constraints and I deeply regret it, because there is a voluntary tutoring which doesn't fail to annoy me.
This time I was randomly placed in a group with students 7+ years younger (some of them straight out of school), exclusively guys and some of them have not figured out where to put their huge ego yet - other than rubbing it in other people's faces.

Normally, I wouldn't even bother but 4h work followed by 4h lectures and not having had dinner prior to this tutoring leave me worrying about when I'll brutally slay and devour the still twitching remains of the next dude who tries to tell me that I don't know shit about assembly.

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    @MrJimmy 😉
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    Ze drama. There was no more warm food at the canteen just pathetic sandvouchers (too flat to be a serious sandwich).

    @Condor Damn straight! 😆 Next time I'll probably do that. (And bring a snack.)

    @MrJimmy Oh, I see! :D Will read when I get home and have eaten some more food.
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    @MrJimmy The problem is I really learned electronics somewhat the "traditional" way, mostly at university and job school. My previous knowledge for tinkering derives from library books, experiment kits or websites that are probably long gone.

    (Also, may be mostly german - though, if you know German there's a great website and community that was/is as a major (learning) ressource for me (microcontroller.net).)

    Apart from that, I don't watch YT so much, but I really enjoy "two usual suspects" there, namely EEVblog and GreatScott!. When I' m looking for inspiration for new projects, one of the sites I'd go to is hackaday or the websites of local hacker communities.

    Probably you should also ask @Condor who's taking things apart to learn how they work and keeps ranting about the glue inside. 😉
    He might know some more resources for actually learning electronics than me.
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    @MrJimmy Oh my, one of the (german) web sites I remembered is still alive. Straight back to the 90s. 😋 (www.fingers-welt.de/home.htm)
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    @MrJimmy Yeah, Great Scott and EEVBlog are great.
    - Louis Rossmann (Boardlevel repair)

    - Mikes Electric Stuff

    - Ben Eater (great stuff about micro controllers)
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