
"Make it a bit more darker"
Me - "Okay"
"Ummm..a bit more lighter? Sorry, this is such a minor change,I figured it wouldn't need any documentation"
Me - "It's alright"
"Could you please make this text small, and reduce the opacity to 70%"
Me - *Rise in the levels of mental irritation, body's and blood's temperature*
"Oh and don't forget to add some tint to the background"
"Hey, sorry I forgot. We need to add another text below this image."
Me - Oh man oh man

  • 6
    70% text opacity?
    wtf what's wrong with him? 😧
  • 11
    Been there. Make him document every small change, and get approval for it.
    The other option is to time limit this crap to 1 hour or less.
  • 1
    Oh man, oh man, not again...
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