
Macbook pro is - at least where I live - considered expensive. Some of my friends have cheaper cars. I really hesitate to buy even a 2015 version, as thats the one I want. Im thinking about buying a used one ffs.

Now yesterday im chatting with this girl, exchanging nudes and so, when on one of her pictures I saw the apple logo, a macbook, I bet its an air, no its a pro, god damnit. So I asked her, that laptop is that yours? She said yes, she buyd it a few years ago with money she collected, because she photographs a lot (dah) and its really good to photoshop on that thing.

Ffs I want one for my work, which pays well, actually I can buy a brand new macbook with one month salary, why am I having these problems deciding? Am I the only one, again?
Wtf is wrong with me

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    @Alice the thing is i'm used to the macbook air I have from work (4 years now) and I would like to try ubuntu/arch on mid/high end ultrabook but... that trackpad is gold, battery time is awesome still after 4 years

    so you have the cli like you would use on linux based + the benefits of the great trackpad and decent battery life + i want PS and a video editing soft sooo

    its funny because I'm the guy everybody is asking for suggestions on tech stuff since i remember
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    I agree with @Alice, your subconscious knows it's not worth it and trying hard to stop you.
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    Apple is the fruit of original sin. Don't fall for that and continue to exchange nudes
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    @Alice psychoanalysis for devs... I like it!
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    Really, if you do not need it for developing and publishing iOS/macOS apps, don't.

    Everything else can be achieved on Win or Linux with cheaper but still powerful notebooks.

    I myself am forced to use a MacBook Pro because of iOS app development. But I also do web dev where it is nice but not a requirement. Miss my Thinkpad for it.
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