Someone asked me if i know a way to hack Facebook profile. Instead I want to give them a malware or virus. Anyone can help me get a good virus which disguise as a FB hacking app? Thanks

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    Wannacry virus with custom icon?
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    If you want them to hate you to end of your life -> WannaCry type cryptovirus (wannacry is disabled now)
    If you dont want them to lose their famili pictures -> Sality (infects ALL running .exe and .dll)
    I dont know any viruses that are less devastating.

    For disquise, just change the name, icon is not nesesary.

    Just make sure his AV is disabled.

    I DONT THINK YOU SHOULD DO IT, IT ILLEGAL AND YOU WILL GET IN TROUBLE.(just that i wont get in trouble :p)
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    @Gregozor2121 thanks for the help. After reading the effects I felt pity for the person. So decided not to give them virus.
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    Virus is a piece a code that reproduces by itself, and can be harmful. Trojan horse is a program that smuggles viruses in your computer. So sality and wannacry are viruses. Wannacry is a cryptovirus or randsomware. Keep in mind that both viruses contain differnet files and executables that why its difficult to classify them.
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    @Gregozor2121 A virus is a harmful computer program.

    Malware is a shortcut of: MALicious softWARE.

    The self reproducing thing is a worm type of malware!
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    @rstular I mean like a virus is just a common name like malware :)
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