Does anyone else hate the screens after you're done updating Windows 10. "Hi, we've updated your computer"

Like no shit Windows I just spent 4 hours waiting for you to finish updating and 5 restarts later.

  • 1
    I ain't going to upgrade to 10, but before 10 I never experienced update longer than 2 hours and even then it was because I forgot to update for a long time. #lol
  • 2
    Yeah I hate that crap, started up my laptop to stop a server from burning to the ground and it decided to upgrade. 2 hours later after I fixed it from my phone (that was a pita) the damn thing has the nerve to show that damn screen. it's like no shit you about screwed me but thanks for stating the fucking obvious
  • 4
    The 'these updates will help to protect you in an online world' is patronising as hell.
  • 6
    "All your files are right where you left them."

    They better fucking be. The fact they think they have have to tell me that so I don't freak out says a lot about MS and updates.
  • 0
    Updates from my Win10 rarely take more than 3-5 mins...if I often even don't notice them when they're installed in the background. What can be the difference?
  • 2
    @Lukas probably I don't boot into Windows as often as you do to install the updates on a regular basis. I'm normally working in a nix environment.
  • 3
    and the "your files are where you left them" you better have not touched them or you are getting off this laptop too.
  • 0
    @Lukas I agree the normal updates do not take long but I just went through this also and I believe it's the Windows anniversary update. It did take several hours. I encountered it when I wanted to use my newly purchased gaming controller with my emulators.
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