
Anything with the phrase "Here are some examples:" on its own line reeks of AI. And bolded paragraph starts.

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  • 4
    I really hate deskjournalism. Content because of content. It's experience people, that adds value. It's not a skill to fetch a nice snippet from somewhere anymore. My anger if i see the *th build your own regex tutorial. It's not freaking your own - all you guys copy and you'll learn nothing doing it. Driving a car is doesn't make you a car expert.

    The fraud is too much. And every dev can recognize AI, so you must be retarted writing such articles and for who are those articles since your target audience can see its shit?
  • 3
    @retoor Yup, and they are trying to use it to farm medium bucks as well
  • 3
    in my experience the AI doesn't give examples and I have to pry such from its cold dead hands
  • 3
    @jestdotty just switch to a decent programming language. C# or something.
  • 1
    @retoor ew I chose java over c#. it was saner
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