
Boss was fired.

  • 6
    Did you get any shit on you? Or is it just stressful for short time?
  • 4
    Hell yea. Good riddance to that abusive asshole
  • 4
    Nice, your company seems more competent than the client I'm working with - it didn't even go on record, but guess what gets brought up when they start shouting at people during standup
  • 4
    you give me tales of sanity and my eyes are hard of believing
  • 3
    @Demolishun only time will tell if I'm scott free or next in line, lol
  • 4
    @BordedDev I wouldn't accuse my company of competency...
  • 4
    New boss is my great grand boss. My grand boss was also let go a little while ago.

    Temporary adjustment then they're going to merge my team with another. Going to be a team of around 25, that sounds too big to me
  • 2
    @lungdart wow maybe the next one will be a knight riding a flaming dragon XD

    Hope you keep your head :D
  • 6
    @lungdart they're not going to do a standup with 25 people, right?

  • 2
    @spongessuck wrong. Sadly! Sigh
  • 2
    @spongessuck Don't worry, the only thing that will change is management asking why it's taking so long to get started in the morning
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