my mother brought me a external hard drive.. she asked me can i check what is wrong with it.. i opened it up and i just began to laugh

  • 68
    Still better than this
  • 4
  • 40
    That's a lot of... space
    Badum tss
  • 10
    I'm guessing she bought a Hardrive shell they are like $23 and pretty common hope she didn't get scammed.
  • 0
    @enen that board takes care of hdd communication and power, basicly usb and power to sata converter.

    Damit you were refering to the second picture... So i guess its just a pendive with usb extender to emulate the portable disk you were supposed to get. It is still better that a pendive that is just a usb plug from cut usb cable :p
  • 6
    @enen yes 😂 she was 2.5" and thought it means 2.5TB
  • 0
    They just started hard drive production.
  • 4
    @enen that cicuit is just a pendrive, inside the case of a Samsung external HDD.
    The fun fact is that they modified it to be seen as 500 GB and everytime you exceed the real capacity (which is a few MB) it starts to overwrite the old data.
  • 2
    /* TODO: Insert drive */
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