You know you're fucked when you're making coffee at 10pm

  • 7
    The other day I've considered starting to drink alcohol at 10 am, not sure what's worse.
  • 4
    I was brewin' at 4:00 am on a copper mother-fucking RAKWE.

    In my defense, it's Ramadan.
  • 4
    @cafecortado as someone who has gone "fuck it" and added whiskey to my morning coffee. The coffee at 10pm is worse
  • 2
    I just woke up at 4pm and I'm making coffee

    it will mess me up. my body can't handle it some reason. fuckit

    edit: also coffee is delicious
  • 2
    @cafecortado eh? you haven't had a booze latte in the morning before, using cream and coffee liquor?
  • 5
    Use a VPN, then you can be somewhere where it's 6 AM
  • 4
    @JsonBoa us in 20 years under a technocracy totalitarian state

    Internet of things coffee maker won't work unless you hack it with a VPN
  • 3
    Squeezed 4 hours. Aaaaand then crashed miserably.

    Fuck. Need smth stronger
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