
I can't believe how hard public transport is designed for cucks in the Netherlands. I've just paid 28,- euro for a retour to next city. Do you have any idea how much you could drive for that? Fuckers. Public transport is really not a solution in NL. Fuck, I'm mad.

  • 4
    I bought beer to drink during the trip. One of them! One of them!

    After 30 and in Dutch public transport? You have to work on things.
  • 5
    Public transport? What do you have all those bicycles for, then?
  • 3
    @cafecortado exactly! Bicycles are awesome.
  • 5
    Public transport is the worst. If the gov want us to use cars less, it should fix the fucking public transport first.
    It’s inconvenient AND more expensive!
  • 7
    Same with trains. Sorry, but if the airplane is cheaper than the train. You can make all the signs in the world to claim it "green" and "climate change" or "You kill birds"... I will take the damn airplane.

    If I have to wait 1-2 hours for a bus IF they get here and is not canceled at random times or they don't strike, I would have spend a few cents more. Until then I prefer spending less money in fuel to get me faster where I want.
  • 3
    Ironically, i was not very under time pressure today so it didn't matter much - but train had issues. Also, new trains don't have foldable tables on the chair in front of you so I couldn't work during travel. It became worse than years ago. Years ago you could do any route with your ticket as long you go from x to y and we had tables. Open your eyes people, shit looks better but gets worse.
  • 3
    Year ago, I lost my train ticket. Without it, you can't enter or exit a station. So I did enter and was heading to exit and fuck, ticket gone. Oh, but there's a guy from the train station! He can help me! Oh oh oh, that was a mistake. Miserable about life they are they fuck you up even worse. Train stations are the worst places ever.
  • 2
    @Lensflare > Public transport is the worst.

    But it can be highly entertaining!

    Who doesn't like thrill seeking and taking their life into their own hands by riding public transportation.

    If worldstar is anything to go by, buses are the modern gladiator arena.
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