Hey Developers

Are you using Admin templates for Building Web Apps or Dashboards ?

  • 1
    I do, all my gui's awe got generated these days since I suck in design. They do end up heavy customized tho.

    But one of my former employees indeed had whole product based on some existing admin template and it worked very well. See it as this way: someone saw the graphical admin panel as his whole product and invested all his resources in it while you wouldnt do that at all. It's probably a good thing to do.
  • 1
    @retoor nice

    Incase you required Good admin templates let me know i am here to give discounts for Rant Devs
  • 2
    @sanjayjoshi ill keep in mind but for the stuff I require gpt does its job very well.
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    @retoor then it's awesome brother Keep it up
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    bro just called @retoor brother. lmaooo
  • 1
    @SidTheITGuy what a noob huh. Pathetic.
  • 1
    I‘m pretty sure this is an ad spam account.
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