
Dreams are like this. In my dream I got fan of a band, had a whole adventure with them. It was long long long. Then in the end, I wanted to rip their CD, because CD eight was awesome. I put CD eight in the computer (that magically still had a CD drive) and started to crunch hard, how to rip an audio CD on linux? Not knowing made me wake up shocked. Frustrated as fuck.

So, now I am fan of a band, no idea how the music goes and what fucking music program is used to rip a CD on linux?


  • 3
    When big companies will start streaming ads into our dreams, you‘ll have the opposite problem :)
  • 2
    @Lensflare as kid I've dreamed so much about toys from ads.
  • 3
    @retoor in the future you will dream about ads from toys :)
  • 3
    @Lensflare and after that about toys that display ads
  • 3
    @retoor just use vlc wtf
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    @antigermgerm on windows I used dbpoweramp or smth.

    I remember the times that i ripped a bunch of songs using windows media player and then. FUCK, WMA!
  • 3
    @retoor remember when MS tried so hard to make wma the standard instead of mp3?
    There were even HW music players which forced you to use wma. :)
  • 3
    @Lensflare yeah, but then something came that we couldn't play the WMA's on our portible MP3 players or smth. Some DRM. Fuckers, idiots.
  • 2
    I thought you were a cool kid. All the cool kids run vlc.
  • 4
    WMA is really the format, not the codec.

    I still find so much misguided knowledge about all of this.

    Codec is not the same as format.

    Format is a data layout, easy to implement, never a problem really.

    Codec is what the fuck whatever you get out of the layout means, and that's where the fun begins...

    But then again, my sister thought you could convert codecs by just renaming the extension so...
  • 3
    @CoreFusionX well, you can rename an exe to a pif or com :P
  • 3

    Actually, in windows, extensions make some sense (because they are the ones who introduced them).

    A .exe and a .com are, again, examples of formats.
    The codec (in this case, being an executable), was pretty much the same.

    They are different for historical reasons, meaning .exe where supposed to be ran by the GUI, while .con would run on the terminal by default. This all comes back to Windows 3.1.
  • 5
    @CoreFusionX wasn't it obvious I know that young man? :) You wanna pet me? You may, young man :)
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