Are people using Vim doing it for the sake of it? Is there such a thing as a Vim hipster?

I mean, nano is just nicer 😇

  • 4
    Nano shows its cards, very easy for new users. Vim is a mystical beast with powerful magic. What it comes down to is, do you want to be monk, or do you want to be an arcane mage?
  • 3
    I hate nano
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    VIM is really good for editing text fast. That's why I use it. You can edit much faster than with nano. And it's included in most UNIX systems, which is why I use it over emacs.

    It has quite a steep learning curve, however when you learn it, it's really good.
  • 5
    A vim hipster is also known as a neckbeard :^)
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    Nano would be fine for small edits, but vim is much more powerful
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    @devs If I saw a system without emacs I would type ^D immediately.
  • 2
    nano? Seriously.
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    Hey, I hear ya buddy. I started learning Vi only because I read it's what "serious" developers use. Right. I don't use it for development, but it comes in handy when I have to SSH into my VPS and adjust something in /etc. It's a really good text editor but honestly you'll be just fine with Nano.
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    "Powerful"... But... How is it. Surely being more productive is powerful? If you are more productive in vim, fair enough.

    But you can't just throw out a buzzword.
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    @Michael-Hancock without custom keybindings, macros and the . command it's not really productive. but when you get to using all three it's like a whole new world of productivity. got a repetitive task use macros. need to run a script once in a while use keybindings(tmux and vimux). got to rerun a vim command in a few places use hjkl to navigate and push .
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    @Michael-Hancock that's just the tip of the iceberg though, I've been using it as my development environment with a few plugins and custom keybindings to use pandora. the first week I used it I wasn't that productive, second week I was back to what I was before, now I'm using 3dd to delete 3 lines, 5yy to copy 5 lines, u to undo, P to paste above the cursor. and I'm alot quicker doing stuff than I was with intellij, the power of vim is its plugins. I've been more productive than ever this last two weeks
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    Try writing vimtutor in the terminal for a great tutorial on using vim. You'll never use nano again!
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    @spl0 we have a lot of oracle VMs at work, and none of them has emacs
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    @devs Fire the DBA
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