Did anyone here work with WebAssembly? .-. Like for real-life scenarios and not just a hobby
I thought it'd be a bigger deal by now specially for SPAs and corporate web-based dashboards

but i havent seen much of it irl

  • 2
    Ask the people at autodesk I guess.
  • 2
    blazor WASM looks pretty interesting for exactly this, but especially for dashboard purposes, serverside rendering work just fine, and it saves the overhead of writing an API.
  • 6
    Wasm wasn't made with UI in mind so no surprise you won't find it in typical SPA/dashboards

    It's for number crunching, emulation, sandboxing, etc
    Afaik figma and StackBlitz use it
  • 5
    So far wasm is still pretty boring. No DOM access and no garbage collector yet. In a few years it might actually make sense
  • 3
    I did work on a larger project with wasm, in current state it's good for compute, for anything else using JS was a better choice.

    Building decent UI's with wasm is possible today, but I don't recommend it yet, wait a few years for a spec to be finished as currently it lacks a lot of features you'd want when building web apps.

    @12bitfloat mentioned two big ones, memory management and DOM access, and I would add network access to the list - for my projects I will switch once they are supported, I don't like JS, but in the current state wasm is inferior option for anything other than compute
  • 3
    I looked into it, but was disappointed in the state of threading at the time.
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