I'm currently tired, stressed, anguish and frustrated.

I have a live issue(a bug to hot fix asap), 7 files to reprocess to be finished by tomorow, 2 enhancements( 1 under pre-live testing, 1 for live release), and an unstable internet connection today. Tomorrow is saturday. Clock is ticking.

How am i suppose to finish everything on time? :(

  • 1
    Just make sure that everyone's expectations are managed, and everything will be fine.

    You can do it!
  • 2
    Yeah..keep calm and think of happy thoughts.
    ~ unicorn, kitties, bunnies, rainbow

    I'm trying to smile here...under pressure. 😁
  • 1
    Gues what. I'm still at the office.
  • 1
    It's 01:51 am...and I'm still at the office...
  • 1

    U ded?

    She ded.
  • 1
    @adunSomehow went home around 6:30am. I'm breaking down.
  • 1
    Sometimes you feel shit and all the nice things in the world won't help. I experienced this myself yesterday. Just gotta wait it out, because this too will pass.
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