Almost, Jira. Almost.

(Image shows Jira Search bar. User typed in "typeorm". Jira suggests "did you mean: tapeworm")

  • 5
    Brought to you by AI. So intelligent. It can literally search in a list but probably it did a 1ct costing api call and heated up the earth a little bit to provide you the wrong answer. Somewhere a dolphin died.
  • 3
    Yea some AI stuff is such a joke
  • 2
    Maybe some team member wanted to share a user story over what goes inside their body with you 🤔
  • 1
    some ides are so fucking aggressive on autocomplete. I have to find out how to stop this shit because it will put a whole fucking line of code that doesn't match what I want. So it makes more work for me. I think I had this with C# and visual studio. It is really counterproductive.
  • 1
    @Demolishun in that case don't install codeium :P
  • 1
    @retoor I didn't. It was just the autocomplete being an ass.

    Or is codeium some default thing?
  • 1
    @Demolishun no codeium is not. Codeium is AI autocomplete that really does great stuff after a while and it totally understands you. The tool is really my coding partner. We understand each other very well.
  • 1
    @retoor tbf tho ChatGPT itself seemed to output better stuff the last few days. That or my proomps became better, cant tell
  • 1
    @Chewbanacas I use it a lot and I experienced *temporary* changes. I dunno how it works. On the api a while ago, it became extremely stupid for a few hours and then back to normal. I have no idea if they're actually are working on it some how. Doing some fine tuning? Question in general, what are they working on? Recently the openai financial dashboard changed and the api python client changed hardcore, I think vector stores at least are out of beta... But there's so many bugs left. Anthropic does opposite approach than OpenAI does. OpenAI offers everything half working (Chatgpt is the only well working product, I assure you :p) and anthropic is very minimal but everything works. Could write a book about it.

    A lots going on what they do not telliii.

    About prompting, I've learned to make them longer, more detail, human input. Not my sad oneliners. But I like it so mycg every time that it understands my vague rambling including typos. Makes me happii. Weird huh.
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