Every, single, time, Windows, updates, and reboot...

I do not know what I did wrong with this Mint. It works perfectly until I reboot to Windows. So Windows update itself, I have to reboot and, after finishing all Windows boots, when I come back to Linux it does not work anymore.

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    This is why I don't dualboot with windows. Windows updates just ruins Linux bootloader or something
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    Do you have Ext2fsd? AFAIK it's incompatible with EXT4's module_checksum (which most modern distros use).
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    @Haxk20 yeah that can happen too. Window's changed HDD's active partition so the GRUB can't find where's the configuration and stuff.
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    @Haxk20 @mishaor it is no grub. Grub works fine after these windows updates.

    It appears that Windows locks a ntfs partition (that I created to share files between Windows and Linux) during updates in a way Mint cannot even boot. It is not the Windows partition, but it still does that.
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    @ewpratten it would be great to have a small switch at the pc so we could chose which physical HD it would use.
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    @brunofontes now that's an idea. How do we tell manufacturers this idea for avid dualbooters?
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    It would probably need to be a kind of HD case with a switch.

    @agentQ Humm, maybe an email to some companies.
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