
A friend asked me to test a program he made
So i downloaded it, and i noticed that i crash when you try to minimize the window
After i tell him about the bug, he send me a new version, and said "I fixed it, it was pretty easy"
He just removed the minimize button
"to remove a bug, remove the feature"

  • 11
    Sounds like me
  • 4
    Well don't minimize my app
  • 1
    We once handled payments for a third party. There would be nothing insecure about that unless the user had malware running locally to begin with. Moreover using the third party payment portal would have been affected if you had such malware. One day our app started crashing on posting payments. Not me nor senior devs nor the third party could figure out why. We needed a quick solution. Answer to the users: it’s more secure to use the third party payment portal. We don’t support putting payments in the app anymore.
  • 2
    How tf did he manage to do *that*?
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