Competitive world they said, this kid is ambitious.

  • 1
    stop oh god stop.
    don't make this into yet another Facebook.
    I hate it. utterly hate it.
    how the fuck can you explain posting this in devrant? how how?
    first they came for quora and destroyed the shit out.
    now devrant?
    stop before it lays its mother fucking eggs.
  • 0
    @dfox Here you go. Another one of those members who seems to be behaving like a moderator. I am just fed up of these professors on Devrant.
  • 0
    @epicincognito professor grades you a C- then #kthnxbye.
    by the way you getting annoyed by the 'professor' is also you being a 'professor' yourself.
    good day mate.
  • 0
    @rohitshetty Not the first time people have behaved like mods here. I can post whatever I want. You are not a moderator, so please.
  • 0
    of course I am not sir.
    let me tell a story.
    once someone named after a mode in browser that apparently doesn't track the user. goes to a room full of people.
    and that room coincidentally was a local group of people interested in umm say unicorns?
    he goes there and shouts about something that's not unicorn. and not makes sense. just to grab some (eye)balls.

    so one of the person there shouts foul and starts ranting on it.

    so this our guy, who didn't talk about unicorns in the meet but created utter noise.
    defended saying the other guy was very undemocratic. and he is fed up of people like this.

    now the flaw in the argument is.
    the person annoyed by his un-unicornish , possibly plagiarized gibberish has same rights to talk and comment as the one who is littering the awesome Unicron meet up.

    so the moral is.
    even I have right to say whatever the fuck I want. and I choose to call people like you who is spoiling the experience for all.

    good day there.
  • 1
    @rohitshetty You seem to be offended at everything in life. Nothing else to say. If you don't like my rant please give me a -1 but I do not like people telling me what to post and what not. :)
  • 0
    oh you bet I did down vote.
    and I don't get offended.
    if you call calling a spade a spade then yes,
    if you calling making argument and debating like grownups. then yes.

    it was you who was 'offended' by professors lol.
    good day there.
    and for once. its devrant.
  • 0
    @rohitshetty Again do I give a damn about your lectures? None. Will keep posting what I like. Ciao.
  • 0
    go ahead. do whatever the fuck you want.
    just don't pollute my feed.
    itna hi vinanti hai aapse mahaprabhu.
  • 1
    @rohitshetty Again. I ain't here to entertain you. Feeling offended? Ciao.
  • 2
    @rohitshetty this isn't acceptable behavior. If you don't like a rant, like it was already said, downvote it and move one. There's nothing wrong with this rant.

    I've been giving warnings before I ban people (and I've had to ban very few people) but I'm just going to start to ban people who get so emotional they can't help but tell people they don't like their post. Just scroll past it. We don't need drama here and it's comments like these that create it.
  • 0
    I have seen this happen in quora before and it has been a very bad experience for me as a user, which once used to be very delightful.
    where irrelevant content popped up In feed.(in spite of down votes)
    I didn't want this to happen again, at this platform where I felt home.
    I know you being the creator of this platform has a say over the content and activity here.
    That's my intent behind this.
    and coming to banning me. you are free to do so, if you find appropriate (I know you don't need me to tell you that)
  • 2
    @rohitshetty not at all the point. You're more than entitled to not like specific content. I simply said don't engage with it. Coming on a rant and saying "I think this rant sucks" literally helps no one. If you hate it that much then send me an email. Under no circumstances should you be commenting on a rant about how it's making the community bad, blah blah blah. That in itself just creates problems and accomplishes nothing except people fighting with each other.

    By commenting on this rant that you don't like, you literally moved it up in the algo ranking because we take into account how many comments there are.
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