
wow svelte web development is now as stupid as react

guides say stuff that the code doesn't reflect

and you're left to go on wild goose chases while you don't understand how anything works. just copy-paste random code from the Internet repeatedly and also nobody knows what's going on

I am saddened

  • 4
    Frontend dev sucks. Go full retoor, don't use any and use primarily backend rendering and enjoy the default browser functionality, seo performance and performance in general. Feels good to have logic in one place.
  • 2
    @retoor Frontend WEB dev sucks.
    Everything else doesn’t :)
  • 3
    @Lensflare very funny, while i consider myself a heavy backender.. I recently talked with a professor that trained AI models himself. I only make software that implements them very well (also art). He also called my stuff front-end. I was never so offended :P
  • 0
    ehhh I guess it's ok. longer I'm sticking with it less I think it's a disaster

    guess I have to read a whole book about how all this works tho. hopefully it won't change much over the years. it's actually pretty clean relative to the disaster that became webpack and react

    so svelte is still trying not to be a disaster
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