Google is amazingly good at using tech to solve problems we did not even know we have...

I mean.. How did we even survive til this day w/o google making restaurant reservation or barbershop calls..? We are cavemen bcz we still do it all ourselves... So inefficient..


  • 1
    To be fair I hate doing calls and I just go to a barbershop that doesn't require any reservations for exactly this reason.
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    not quite. it helps people who avoid social contact (and although many people don't believe it: that's not a good thing)
  • 1
    @julkali if your idea of social activity is calling barber shops then I think we have some bigger problems. 😉😜
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    @iamroot there are a lot of posts out there of people complaining about making phone calls because of their social anxiety ^^ That's what I mean, Google assistant won't help them socialize
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