Finally got enough coverage on an urgent PR, update from main. Can't merge because of -0.32% coverage on code that has ~95% coverage.

Well, I guess they're not getting that end of day feature they wanted.

  • 6
    Code coverage is bullshit and 95% is insane.
    If my company would start to force this, probably half of the devs would quit, including me.
  • 2
    Can't say I'm happy about it either @Lensflare
  • 4
    I like coverage but 95% is insane high indeed. Currently, don't have coverage running on my projects. For C, i made an amazing coverage tool. C coverage includes a lot of stepts. I made a binary combining all those steps and remove the temporary files. Thanks for idea, gonna apply it on my r project right now.
  • 2
    "95% coverage."

    Somewhere, a bureaucrat sending emails:

    Would you like to order some additional pain with the grande pain you ordered sir?
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