
What's your favorite IDE to use and why?

I saw a little IntelliJ hate on another rant, but so far it has been pretty useful for me, I only need 1 IDE for Java/PHP/HTML/Python/JS/SQL

Pic unrelated, just for attention and the LOL's

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    I've been a long time user of emacs but I have really enjoyed IntelliJ and Atom here lately. My only frustration with IntelliJ is that I can't have multiple projects open at the same time in the same window.
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    Intellij is my goto for everything. Amazingly productive IDE
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    @bryansrhodes You can, you add them as modules. if those projects are in maven or gradle or something like that you can simply add them in the tool window
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    @ChappIO Sweet! I'll take a look. Thanks for the tip.
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    Sublime Text 3
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    Neovim. Like that it's simple and very extensible. I program java, python, javascript and golang.
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    Visual Studio. Has all the tools I need and hands down THE best debugging capabilities. Extensions and packages, everything you need wrapped up in one nice, easy to use package.
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    Just go for Atom.
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    Spacemacs <3
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    Visual studio!! :)
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    you don't need pictures for attention, your rant is good enough.
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    I've used Eclipse and NetBeans in the past, but as of right now, I'm using IntelliJ and loving it
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    For Java it's Eclipse. But for everything else I use Sublime Text. After reading so many comments about IntelliJ, I think I should give it a try.
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    @sshntt IntelliJ is good for more than Java. So far it has been my goto IDE for any Web development, Python scripting, Ruby and many more languages that JetBrains support. Alas, if you're a student or a teacher, they offer you the Ultimate Edition for free!
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    I use neovim for any backend code.

    Sublime for documentation.

    Atom for frontend.

    IntelliJ when I just want to read code and jump around. I do this when it's a project I don't know too much.
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    IntelliJ for Java. atom for everything else
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    Totally forgot about Sublime. I use that for quick edits, as it's a little faster than IntelliJ due to how barebone it is
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    CodeLobster IDE is the best for HTML/CSS/JS/PHP - http://www.codelobster.com
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