
AI is a long overdue economic miracle the world needs right now:
- It will create a _lot_ of jobs — even a monkey can be trained to be a “prompt engineer”.
- It will shake up and shuffle stale old corporate status quo. You had a contract with Microsoft, then Amazon introduced some AI in AWS, and you jumped ships. Microsoft then caught up, so the market didn’t change, but got shuffled. That’s good! Many new big contracts signed = fat bonuses for a lot of people they will spend on stupid luxury shit with huge markup.
- “We have no fucking idea how to solve X” -> “AI”. A lot of people with more money than sense will spend big on wannabe startups that will hire a lot of people, pay a lot of salaries/office space rent, and then go under without a lawsuit filed. They would’ve kept that money in their offshore accounts otherwise, e.g. where it can help no one but their cum troph… I mean children.
- Lifes of a lot of people will be improved should they be caught in this grift. But not many people will lose their jobs — AI is still stupid AF. Good enough to impress gullible people with money, but bad enough to not actually have any meaningful impact. Perfectly balanced, as things should be.
- If you’re a junior dev, adding AI to the list of things you show people so they hire you will improve your chances of getting a job. You won’t be replaced — with all my insight and the access to all major enterprise AI models there are, I wasn’t able to make it write passable code, let alone good code.
- If you’re a senior dev, just spend an evening reading some buzzword guide so you know how to use those buzzwords, and you’ll be fine.
- AI consumes way less power than crypto!
- That said, AI still has its uses, and I use it daily. It _can_ do useful things if you know how to use it — ask retoor.

TL;DR: it will make a lot of rich people spend a lot of money (we’re talking cash, not stocks), it will create a lot of new jobs. It won’t replace anyone’s job bc it’s still too stupid to do that.

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    AI hype train riders be like “it will solve a bunch of problems but is still too stupid to replace any jobs”

    I asked it to circle the rusty part of an overhead connection. Here is the real version of what the latest model gave me.

    “Oh well it’s not good at-“

    You can stop right there. I agree.
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    me, having used an AI that was trained on economics.... eye twitching

    garbage in, garbage out

    thought this post was gonna be about one world government wanting to coordinate the economy with AI. they'll get there. that's what all the sales pitch is for. the elites be thinking they can replace everyone with AI and put more power into fewer hands so they can "have more power". sigh. dunchu know "good help is hard to find" cuz they have morals and say no to certain commands! can't have that!
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    the reason why you can't switch from Microsoft to Amazon doesn't have to do with "ohno we have no innovation"

    anti competitive practices are done through 2 means:
    - they own your resource/data and not you, so they won't let you take it with you so you could switch. this can also be done by providing unstandardized APIs so you have to rewrite everything but that works less good as owning your data so you can't leave
    - creating regulatory barriers or government barriers to prevent competition from cropping up. a big rich company can spend money on compliance with retarded laws, a small one that doesn't yet have profit cannot. big companies regulatory capture and then make expensive rules to make sure no competition can crop up. they send the government after ya. this can be as subtle as just not allowing a vendor permits to sell in specific streets because those are "more complicated" to apply for, and will attrition the smaller company through a thousand cuts. ISPs did this with poles
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    As long as it isn't required to be 100% accurate, it will find use, and it's a skill multiplier, so it will just speed up other tasks, meaning, either companies develop faster or hiring will be slower. That's where we are now IMO
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    ... making companies just to pay employees & then the company goes under is NOT a good thing

    that money DOES NOT come from offshore accounts. it comes from business loans. which banks make by using deposits as collateral&then ask your government to print them money. because the government gave banks mandate to suggest where to "stimulate the economy",&they do so by allowing the banks to choose where to funnel inflation into first

    if you make a startup&pay people money, all you do is cause inflation. everyone who holds any money will get poor. the people closer to the funnel of money printing will be initially richer than everyone else, but them spending money will make everyone else poorer

    if the company does make a product&it is "efficient" & causes less time or resources waste for others, then you get "wealth" because a 30 cent labour now costs 25 cents. so say you have a 6 billion industry and you shaved those cents off, now it's 5 billion industry but same customers. cheaper
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    this leads to a bunch of other things communist misunderstand..

    but honestly I've written too much and I'm not even done with your post

    the rich people get rich by doing EXACTLY what you're advocating for. they position fake companies near the funnel of money. they take business loans from banks and then bankrupt the company that took the loan to not owe anyone anything, after paying all their friends. that is the money that GOES to the offshore accounts

    they get the loan, they pretend to "buy" things from their friends, when those things don't exist or are irrelevant, and then funnel that money to their pet companies... which hide all that in offshore companies where taxes do not have to be paid. they essentially steal money via the system you just said is "good" for people to use
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    Exactly, see the Rant i just created. I vibe coded an app and it had two major bugs that really knowledge of a dev to fix it. Did fix it trough vibe coding, but still - it's not possible for monkeys yet. It introduced shell execution on my system even!
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    monkey can't write. They tried but their communication abilities were very poor

    It was mostly about food and sex
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    how can it simultaneously be useful and not lead to downsizing? What is its use if not allowing a single person to accomplish more, or equivalently, allowing fewer people to do the same work?
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    I'm also hesitant to believe that it's good enough to fool investors into spending more but not good enough to fool upper management into hiring less. Even if there is a gap between them, it's not very wide.
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    @lorentz no, why? it doesn’t have to fool managers
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    It will be good for some (niche) usecases but currently it just generates slop and will just poison itself. I would really like to see the rise in uploaded data as soon as ChatGPT came online.
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    @kiki Not only does it not have to fool managers, for your optimistic predictions to become true, it MUST NOT fool managers. For the exact same reason that the promise of AI encourages investment, it also discourages hiring. If both managers and investors believe it, the job market shifts towards senior positions at startups, but total demand probably wouldn't increase.
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