
Android guy here:
I consider myself a solid android developer, however my UX and UI Designing sucks ass, any tips on how I could improve?

  • 5
    I highly recommend this book - The Design Of Everyday Things.

    It's a crash curse in design in general, not just UI/UX.

    Another book is Design for Hackers
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    *course, not curse
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    so I am not alone! I start out great (thats what I think) and down the road everything goes to shit
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    @flag0 exactly..
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    @flag0 the one thing that helps me a lot is to reduce clutter and minimize everything to almost the point of abstraction. I once designed a camera icon that was literally a circle inside a square. It worked beautifully.

    The other thing that helps too is picking the right colors. Sure, #FF0000 is easy to code but understanding the relationships between colors and using that to help guide your users towards action items makes it work beautifully.
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    @xroad I have tried that but even after spending time aligning things and using a colour profile, it just doesn't feel right. I try to use the standard icons to minimise workload and not create confusion. My problem is that it just doesn't feel right everything together. that and animations. And the pain that is designing UI on android just makes me throw good UI in the back burner even though I know its important
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    @flag0 what kind of tools do you use for design?
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    Android develpoer here. We use a sketch/zeplin pupeline doe continuous design delivery. For ideas and good (material) design impressions check out materialup.com
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    Medium.com is a great place to learn.
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    @xroad was stuck with ps. will try sketch soon.
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    Don't to clients that say "copy how it is on iOS..."
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