
Vim users be like : "It took me 3 months to learn how to actually use Vim and I'm am totally gonna brag about it".

  • 4
    Dude, are you saying hitting "i", entering some text, then hitting the Esc key followed by entering ": wq" takes three months?
  • 2
    it's like >

    How do you find out that she's vegan?
    She'll definitely tell you when you meet.
  • 1
    @debug :x does the same thing with one less keystroke. not that it matters.
  • 0
    Oh yeah @squanto, thanks, I remembered reading that once.
  • 1
    It is just really gast once you get the hang of it, and speed is always something to be proud of, no matter how
  • 0
    when I started to use Unix, there was only plain vi editor
  • 1
    As professionals it is our responsibility to maximise our productivity. Vim makes it more efficient to navigate and make changes to our codebase. The increase in overall productivity is worth the steep learning curve.
  • 1
    @mostlyharmless that's a perfect reply!
  • 2
    @StefanH with something like YouCompleteMe it does
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