
s3 storage sucks. Requires you to implement special stuff in software. The s3fs is a terrible thing not supporting many native file operations. For example, i can't cp * /to-target. It can't do nothing.

So, that was a short adventure. Now i found: https://interserver.net/r/1035270/ (affiliate link, why not). 3,- 1tb storage WITH complete vps. 1gb / 1 core but it does great as sshfs drive. It works so fast, i gonna host complete projects on it like https://devrant.molodetz.nl. sshfs drives really have the comfort of a native drive. Boarded just uploaded 600Mb to snek in two minutes. That movie was completely streamable in the snek web interface, you could comfortably click trough the video.

So, time to make a custom script to push all data from s3bucket (blegh!) to this beautiful drive.

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    all this time, the spammer was you :(

    guys the ads got her now
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    how much for the tera? :o
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    actually it's great. I wanted to put back my webradio, maybe now's the time
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    Well s3 was never supposed to be a replacement for a filesystem. It's a bucket. You drop stuff into the bucket, take it out or look at it. That's why you have effectively no limit on bucket size.

    It's like a nosql database w/o a schema.
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    in S3, “foo/bar” and “foo/../foo/bar” are different locations because there is no real fs — paths are just keys there
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    Don't you have an sdk to interact with s3?
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    @spongessuck yes, sdk is there of course but i don't want to make my app depended on some storage supplier. I want my app to be zero config as software package.
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    @kiki not sure if that's the case if you mount it as s3fs, but i wouldn't know why it wouldn't be implemented that way. I know fuse and the capalabilities. I've written a webdav service with fuse compatibility. The s3fs is just worthless.
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    @netikras well, sure, but s3fs could've fixed that. Webdavfs also lacks a lot of system attributes but mocks them and tadaa, you have a decent drive. That wrapper is for a reason. A wrapper should wrap.

    I do not see any benefit in comparison with sshfs. Sshfs browses fast trough directories, supports streaming, concurrency and so on. It feels like native drive with server to server connection even while my storage server is in Murica and my Molodetz is in Amsterdam.
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    I was looking into this last year as I was writing a simple shell backup script. I came across this AWS Labs project called Mountpoint for Amazon S3. Might come in handy:

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