  • 1
    But everyone is your friend here <3
  • 2
    @enzop Are you?
  • 2
    I am a nerd because I like computers because (repeat)
  • 0
    This is recursion
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    @RantSomeWhere very easy to say, infinitely harder to do
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    If you're legit depressed, don't forget to take care of your physiological needs. Please don't mistake this for me saying "jUsT dO yOgA iT cUrEs DePrEsSiOn", but it's really common for depressed people to let things like sleeping, exercising, eating healthy, getting sunlight etc fall off, and that only worsens things in the long run. IME it is a lot easier to make friends if you've filled in the lower sections of Maslow's pyramid first, which are base needs and safety needs.
  • 0
    Really wholesome advice from @HollowKitty
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