I have attempted to do taxes again and I mucked them up even worse

now I wait to see if the phone lines are any better than the login form on this website (since it literally locked me out even though I didn't use up all my attempts...). I might be surprised to find it's worse. because apparently average wait time for all hours but 6 am is 30 minutes, and at 30 minutes they start forwarding phone callers to talk to AI... how is that better than a website?

interestingly despite the AI overflow mechanism they are closed on Sundays. and today is Sunday

  • 4
    You have a website.
    You do your taxes on a non-paper medium.
    Trust me, governments may be awful on digital mediums.
    But they are always much worse on physical media.

    When you do your taxes by paper, they can muck the whole thing because you colored the wrong bubble. Or because your "4s" look like "9s". And then you have to pay a fine. That you must pay in cash. Between 10am and 4pm. But not on weekends, Fridays, or in the last week of any month. In a building with no parking. In your 2h-drive-away provincial capital. After an hour in a queue. In a room with no AC. Where you cannot use your phone. Not even just for reading.

    Yeah, gov't websites are rubbish. The only thing worse is the lack of those.
  • 5
    Dealt w/ the tax hell a few days ago, myself.

    Good thing we have software available to us, so used that.

    Yes - dealing w/ taxes in physical form was abysmal && I definitely don't miss it.
  • 2
    @D-4got10-01 that's the problem. to use the software I first have to log in in the government. yay!
  • 2
    @jestdotty I got that from the original post.

    We have a few options, so I downloaded the software I've been using for years, just that this one was updated for the current year.
  • 5
    We have a whole Java app for filling out and digitally signing - which is a real cryptographic signature and not a photo of a signature - tax reports. The GUI is pretty old but it works, and it even has a built-in screen reader! The thing works on Linux! For how much I bitch about Hungary, some things really just fucking work.
  • 4
    And this is despite the fact that most people never have to file taxes in their life because if you're an employee the state does it for you and all you have to do is approve it in person, by mail, or on a webapp that works in every browser including both IE6 and latest Firefox on Linux, and has 2FA with TOTP support.

    There is an ongoing debate, I'm not sure how serious, as to whether this webapp should support noscript or end-to-end encrypted storage, which are kind of mutually exclusive.
  • 2
    @lorentz I am experiencing emotions
  • 1
    That was quick... got my tax refund yesterday.
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