
Is there a server-oriented Linux system that is more secure than Ubuntu Pro? With its 24-hour unattended vulnerability patches, I doubt anything free beats it. Btw it’s free for personal use

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    Wouldn't want those security patches actually. Patching the system all the time sounds more dangerous than a hacker.
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    @kiki very obvious I guess. You have a good working system and every time you patch it, you take a risk. Also,, most security patches you don't care about.
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    @retoor depends on your threat model. If you go against governements who have access to zero days you want patches
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    @antigermanist still, what's actually to gain with those 'vurnabilities'. Heart bleed was a big one. I was like meh. And the Intel professor one... Meh. And those were the big ones. I calm my titties. A system is rarely that bricked that you get access to a filesystem or command execution. People who suck made you think it's a common thing that could happen to anyone. It's mostly neglection by people sucking at their job. Listen the dark web diaries how people are hacked. Often, you won't believe it. Worst is, betraying the employer and leaving back doors behind. A coworker said he had backdoors of previous company. You don't want such people, fire immediately. Also, the fucker that offered us an email address list, guess what, sold ours. How can some give access to someone who offers something like that. People are easier to hack than any pc.
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    @kiki i want to say open BSD
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