
"Why can't you write code that doesn't have any bugs"?

  • 22
    "Why can't you say things that aren't stupid?"
  • 23
    because im practising Bug Driven Development
  • 7
    @rozzzly oooooooww, burn!! Please apply thermal paste on the CPU
  • 1
    @damianbear shit man I just applied all of my "thermal paste" to your girlfriend's face! Why didn't you buy an aftermarket cooler?!
  • 1
    This is *not* a dumb question at all. That's a very good question that have a long and complex answer.
  • 4
    @Kongen in one project we once developed a concept called error driven development, because we had to deploy everything we did right to production (boy were we agile XD). Every time someone complained that we didn't test properly (no time) we would point out that it is part of our EDD process...
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