Btw guys... It isn't a real burn out if you get better by yourself in weeks or months without lots of medication... A burn out is a type of depression with lots of health problems associated, anxiety, intestinal problems, bolimy or anorexy... Constant pain, stress, muscular atrophy...

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    Might be true for you but not everyone is the same. I've been close to one (according to my doctor) but it was different in my case.
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    We cannot also expect people not having real and serious problems, diseases or illnesses. There are a lot of sick people amongst us.
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    Mental illnesses are not something you cannot not live with, but of course I don't recommend doing it.
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    @RodrigoF So you are a doctor? Bitch, please...
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    @danzig666 not a doc... But I'm dealing with a burn out for 3 years, leaned a lot about it, talked with others with the same problem... So I know some stuff about the subject
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    Yep. Not downgrading anyone, but some posts showed that not everyone knows what a burn out is.
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    Underestimating seriousness of illnesses is a serious problem. It really is.

    Have you heard the memes or jokes about autistic people? How can someone be so ignorantt.

    And yes, I'm not an autist, but I have many similar symptoms that are also included in autism.
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