db for huge amount of iot data?

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    How much is huge? Any relational DB can handle millions and millions of rows...
    If you wanna search through it/analyze the data I'd recommend a NoSQL DB like elastic.
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    Iot data is usually time series. If the data rate is not high then influxdb or elastic good to go. If data rate is high you may need Kafka like stuff in between.
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    @Azer0s hundreds of billions rows, terabytes of data
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    mssql for that is kinda slow without ssd, but i didnt figured out partitioning old infrequently used data to be stored on hdd, like split one table between volumes
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    @MaxDeepfield Still not that much for a good relational db. MsSQL, Oracle or even MySQL can handle that. Terabytes is not big data, petabytes is.
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    A few weeks ago I read that mongoDb performs good on such dB sizes.
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    Just use text files 🙃
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    Blockchain, ofc. It’s 2018, get with it!
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