
There will be flying cars by 2018 they said.

  • 32
    Well I hope I didn't need the brain cells that just died from reading that.
  • 10
    Maybe it's cause I'm really tired, but I had to laugh so hard just now
  • 7
    Man I ain't about to make fun of some dude that got thrown into doing this shit.
  • 14
    We all started somewhere, didn't we?
  • 18
    I think jquery could solve this!
  • 6
    @olback My first thoughts: "I hope I didn't ask that stupid questions when I started out. I AM pretty sure that I didn't."

    * Builds time machine *

    * Travels back to 11 years ago when I had my first contact with HTML *

    * Meets past self *

    "Okay... At least I can still hope there are no witnesses for my stupid questions..."
  • 2
    TypeError: Cannot read property 'braincell' of null
  • 2
    "do you research before you ask your question!"
  • 1
    too many #5 in one picture .-.
  • 1
    @inaba no I think you need block chain
  • 1
    It's stared 😂😂😂 it's fucking stared
  • 3
    Everyone saying "we all started somewhere" is correct. However, this is the definition of a basic question.and spending literally 3 minutes on W3Schools would give you the answer to your question.

    This, hands down, is why people on SO are bitter about basic questions. (Don't get me wrong, I'm not defending them for being cunts or anything, it's just this would annoy any sane person.)
  • 1
  • 0
    @kenogo it was you wasn't it?
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