
I am unable to see anything useful in current social networks. It all looks like big advertising platforms and I am not interested in looking on ads. This personalization is so shitty that original content is very hard to find. All is so political correct and trendy and what about uniqueness of human individuals. Shitty socialists networks. Hope this website would not be another one.

  • 3
    Seems to me it's more like the problem of who you're friends with/follow on these platforms are being shitty.

    It's helpful for keeping up with people you care about, but not enough to conversate with.
  • 1
    Yes the ads are a bit annoying, but every once in a while I'll get a random one that I like the product, so it kinda negates them being a huge pain in my ass lol
  • 0
    @Stuxnet maybe I am just to old school when I want to know how’s someone’s life now I just phone, then we meet and talk instead of spying. Working as software developer most of my day recently made me person who hate where technology goes now since it violates my privacy too much.
  • 1
    @vane I look at it like this: the user is voluntarily using these products. It's their fault if shit hits the fan and they get in trouble for putting tmi on their profile. I have no (public) pictures, no profile picture, and I just have my name. I only follow friends, a few meme accounts, and a few sports related accounts.

    I don't have time to try and schedule (ever tried to get two busy college students together? Doesn't work most of the time) a lunch date or coffee with friends. Not to mention, all my friends are at different colleges scattered around the state (and some are in different states or countries for that matter).

    I can see pictures of their vacations and shit, I can DM them (chances are I won't have their phone number) and make small talk, and I get memes/sports news. All in one app.
  • 0
    @Stuxnet I understand, but access to everything looks too easy nowadays, just wondering when we would pay the price for it.
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