  • 17
    I like the comparison. Just a small but vital difference: people voluntarily provided facebook with their private data, whereas corporations & gov's did not give wikileaks their data by free will.
  • 3
    Actually I don't know any media that consider Zuckemberg a hero and Assange a criminal. Well, except if your only information is provided by the USA government and by Forbes (I guess), luckily we have a bit of information freedom
  • 2
    Then don't give your information
  • 1
    @stormwise well most important doucuments on wikileaks aregiven by employees of the state
  • 1
    Yeah, these things are often twisted/taken out of context so we can 'stick it to the man'...
  • 3
    @Codex404 The corps & gov's officially haven't shared the information, they still consider it theft. Thank goodness for whistle blowers!
  • 1
  • 3
    Fuck I didn't realize the importance of prepositions till now.
  • 1
    @stormwise for the gov part: they don’t ask our to steal our info, and they are angry when we take theirs to those who are supposed to lead the democracy: people.
  • 0
    @crisz fox does, but then again, is fox still considered media?
  • 0
    @shaji thats what he said "except if its controlled by the US government"
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