an actual recruiter on LinkedIn:

looking for a full stack developer with 10+ years of experience with React programming and 5+ years of experience with the blockchain and machine learning.

  • 5
    You should tell them to add more buzzwords, that will attract a crowd!
  • 4
    Is react even ten years old?
  • 3
    This is totally what I just ranted about.
  • 6
    Jesus tapdancing Christ, React is only 5 years old you idiot dumpster moron... Blockchain has only been around for half that time for God’s sake...

    I’m starting to understand why people say recruiters are the worst
  • 2
    Just tell them you definitely have the requisite... What are they gonna do call you on it?

    That's what I do with my not finished networking degree but don't tell anyone k?
  • 1
    ... And we're all looking for a recruiter who doesn't talk out of his arse.
  • 2
    @linuswillner Acty the blockchain has been around for 9 years. However anyone with more than 5 years experience with it probably has a pHD in mathematics and cryptography.
  • 0
    @BranDev We actually mined some in college back then, I guess that counts as "Experience"
  • 2
    @linuswillner Jesus tapdancing Christ 😂😂😂
  • 2
    also I love how he said "the blockchain"
  • 0
    I've had a similar issue.

    The guy was looking for an Angular 2 developer with at least 5 years of experience.
  • 0
    @Klanowicz Naturally not, but I’m starting to understand why people say that

    @BranDev It’s been around but it didn’t boom until recently, because if I recall nobody was looking for senior blockchain developers in 2010
  • 1
    A lot of people confuse "blockchain development" with smart contract development. A blockchain developer would need to know a good bit about encrpytion, merkle trees, and have some knowledge of different consensus algorithms. You would probably need to be pretty advanced in something like C programming along with knowing a good bit about the theory of encryption and have to be very strong mathematically.

    Smart-Contract development requires that maybe you understand some blockchain mechanics. But it's at a higher level, and you're more focused on "business logic". IT has a huge overlap with web development, especially if you're working with Ethereum.
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