
Just to add to the chrome memory wastage.
Chrome out consumes everything else running, and Virtual box has a full blown LAMP server running.

  • 1
    And you still have plenty of ram free, right? So what.
  • 1
    @Kimmax , the mere fact I can run 77 LAMP servers concurrently compared to 8 tabs + extensions in chrome (non are streaming video/music) for the same ram consumption.

    Yes I have a lot of ram free, another 20GB or so but that’s not the point.
  • 2
    @C0D4 fact is that linux or whatever unix like system is basically made to be lightweight and will probably happily run with 128mb ram.
    Also past discussions here showed that chrome uses more ram when there is much more ram available and scales down a bit when things get to their limits.
    And keep in mind what's actually going on in the Webbrowser compared to a webserver
    If you really want to to discuss this further open the search and type in "ram", bonus points for throwing chrome in the mix, you should find plenty of other rants covering this
  • 1
    @Kimmax I know... but where’s the bandwagon fun in that?
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