  • 19
    Of course, less features, less performance, less utility,... So less battery use !
    It's like when you're asking for the best way to lose weight. Some irrational people would take it to the extreme and eat quasi-nothing. Ra-di-ca-li-ty.
  • 2
  • 15
    @sebastian they can't they tried that once and had to pay a billion dollar fine
  • 24
    @sebastian that's the biggest BS i have ever read

    because Volvo's have audi engines in them, Audi's have VW engine's in them and Ferrari has a FIAT engine in them..
    next time you make an analogy, check your facts

    Where do Vivaldi and Opera and Lynx and all the others belong then ?
  • 3
    @DarkMukke Opera SunOs but it doesn't make his argument any smarter
  • 0
    Sadly I'll never know if that's true
  • 1
    But that is true though. Chrome browser is not good for laptops, had issues with battery in my laptop because of Chrome
  • 18
    Would you rather have 5 hours of fun or 8 hours of pain that's the real question
  • 2
    @atomicTurtle LMFAO. Very true.
  • 1
    Low hanging fruit Microsoft haha
  • 5
    Edge is sucking 50% more of your life. Consider switching back to Chrome.

    Might I suggest switching to Edge for 1 week. It will give you a new appreciation for Chrome. Suddenly, all that RAM and CPU will become worth it and you will never complain again.
  • 1
    How about Firefox? It actually saves even more battery than edge and is a lot better than chrome
  • 3
    @TheInitializer Firefox lighter than MS Edge? Never heard that one before, got any articles about that or that's based on your experience?

    (Ps: Not trolling)
  • 1
    @bilange I think I read that in a PCMag article, I'll try and find it
  • 3
  • 5
    Wow microsoft being...edgy 😎
  • 0
    Actually it's true.
  • 0
    @DarkMukke you kidding me mate? Audio and VW are the same company, so is Ferrari and Fiat
  • 1
    Probably works... for their largest usergroup.
  • 0
    Give Gates no chance!
  • 2
    @dontbeevil well since this rant is about Microsoft and not Google it kinda makes sense to talk about Microsoft. If you want to talk about how bad Google is make a rant about itπŸ˜€
  • 2
    @dontbeevil the meaning of blocked is misunderstood i think :
    scroll down to the 2009 issue
  • 0
    Now in 2017 windows make chrome not responding every 10min
  • 0
    They coded that shit into windows?
  • 0
    get rid of that crappy os wich tells you what to do and go back to 7 a os wich is just an os and not a bloat, thats a really stupid way of imposing a browser, i dont use w 10 since 2015 (when it released, tried it and threw it in the trash after 2 days) so i dont know whats happening with it but i can tell that this is ridicoulus, microsoft is desperate, is trying everything to get someone to use that thing.

    ps on win 7 i use ie 11 as main but also ff 45
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