Good morning to a world with GDPR.
Did any even read the new terms and conditions?

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    Well we have been preparing our organization for almost a year so I mostly just gloss over to see how much they have misunderstood the rules ;)
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    @Alice I hate those: If you dont want to it dont use it. Like wtf Google I want to use Android but I dont you wanna track every single step I do...
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    @Alice But there are often Things that dont affect or even arent required by the service. I am willing to share my location data if I want to get detailed information about traffic jams from data collected by other users location data. I am still waiting for the moment when properietary software will be less popular than open source stuff and users can actually go away from propietary software...
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    @Alice then the system doesnt work.

    I can't just not use a computer in this age. Or a phone...

    If you want a normal life you need at least a phone.

    For example in my country telephone companies can sell my location. Anybody does it so i cant opt out... Unless i just dont have a phone?
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    Ain't nobody got time for that.

    If I need a service, I continue using it, no matter what the new terms say, new terms aren't likely to make me stop using a service.

    If I don't use a service and receive a mail though, well that's why there is Article 17 of the GDPR ^^.

    I did send my first Article 17 mail (right to be forgotten), we'll see how it goes.

    I'm pondering cranking up those mails too, I only sent this one because the mail talked about exercising this right, not because I particulary hate them or anything.
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    @Alice well my argumentation was that in some cases you can't "not use the product".

    Some products are a necessity to function in this age... Try getting a job without a phone. It will be almost impossible.

    Use only maps. Most cities just left the job to google maps...

    I want to have the option of either pay or agree to be the product. Not be limited because majority chose something and i can't choose.

    We should know how much the companies are using the resources of others and how much money they make out of it.

    Google buses come to mind of an abuse of city and citizen resources for benefit of a company.

    We need choices, majority is dumb... Always have been always will.

    And for stuff as something that becomes a monopoly: internet, phones, cars,etc ... Should be heavily regulated... Otherwise hell breaks loose
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