As somebody who is used to Ubuntu (I just love the simplicity of just running an apt-get to download packages), should I switch to Arch?
Please only give factual reasons, not just "yes, cus it's arch"

  • 0
    If you know enough about linux,
    Sure, try it.
    I also used Ubuntu for a long time and recently switched to arch.
    If you'd like a minimal system, that just contains what you want,
    I could recommend it.
  • 1
    Now I'm tempted to write "yes, cus it's arch". Ups, I did it.
  • 0
    @metamourge I do know some stuff about Linux (let's just say I can comfortably use it), but I'm not a guru or something.

    Also, I want stuff to pretty much just work out of the box (time spend fixing issues with my machine is time wasted not working on projects)
  • 1
    Then maybe your better with an Arch-derivate like manjaro.
  • 2
    If you're comfortable and satisfied with Ubuntu without needing to rely on thirdparty ppa and what-not.

    Stick with it.

    If you want to learn abit more about Linux and the vanilla state of packages, and want to almost always have the latest versions, try arch. Perhaps a deriviate like Antergos.
  • 0
    I see :)
    There are a lot of people that tell me I shouls switch to Arch, but I never really understood if it would have additional benefits.
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