If you think about it, modern webpages and anal sex are pretty much the same.

Sure, you can do it, but it wasnt designed for that and you will probably end up with a shitfest.

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    Compared to how we used to design applications before.....it is a giant assfuck.

    Seriously, training a model for linear regression is relatively simple, shit building a neural network is a few lines of code compared to the gian clusterfuck that making web apps is man. I do web development because it is what I learned...not necessarily because I am passionate about it.

    I do not like the "everything on the web" shit as it happens now a days but sadly that is where everything is now.
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    The bumhole wasn't designed... At least that's what the evidence says
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    But I like it :-|
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    @AlexDeLarge Anyone in the field of evolutionary biology would probably disagree
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    I'm not an evolutionary biologist, so I'm not equipped to make those arguments. There are however, some journal articles on the topic which explain better than I ever could.

    Take https://sciencedirect.com/science/... for example.

    You can check the references if you want further information.
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    @milkybarkid dude you are getting doritos all over my post, put down the trenchcoat and fedora please
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