
Classic: you have to print your bachelor thesis and the printer runs out of toner. And all copyshops are allready closed. 🤷🏻‍♂️

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    Murphy especially likes to fuck with this kind of stressful situations...
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    when is it due?
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    @stop today 😆
    But it doesn't matter, I failed at a previous exam so there won't be a degree this year anyway.

    so to summarize:
    I have no Job since a year because everybody thinks after graduation i'll leave the old proffession.
    Now I don't have a degree and nobody wants me in the new profession.
    So I'm over qualified for Pre Press Operator but under qualified for Interaction Designer.
    Fucking hell, education is meant to be an investment but all it brought to me is unemployment, dept and poverty. Ah... life like i like it.

    Now.... I'll gonna lit a candle because I love it romantic when i've get fucked. 😄
  • 4
    Don't you know, printers where sent from hell to make our lives misserable...
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    @heyheni Do you have some experience with Blender and 3D modeling as well?
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    @Wack aber sowas vo!

    @PonySlaystation leider nöd.
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    Simmer da jetzt uf Schwiizerdüütsch underwegs? :D
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    @pixelwiese ja schön bisch da :)
    änd nau we schnörred iinglisch ägän so thät oder folks önderstönd ös okay? 🙂
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